Wallpaper and border is usually the first thing that needs to go when getting ready to sell your house. It seems like a nightmare project, but JUST DO IT! Some sellers are tempted to leave it because it's too much work for them and the next buyers might like it or take it down themselves. Bad idea--in most cases it will be a huge turn off to buyers viewing your home and they will assume it's very expensive to remove. So if they do decide to make an offer--despite your ugly wallpaper--they will low ball you.
So, get busy removing your wallpaper and border. Try this product I just used to remove some decals and border in my daughter's bathroom. It's called CHOMP and it was so effective. I wiped it on the borders and decals and in a few minutes they all just wiped right off. It took no time at all and no hard work or scrubbing. I purchased it at Home Depot but I'm sure it's sold at any home improvement or hardware store.
Hope it works as well for you...happy chomping!